Monday 21 September 2009

Help Me to Help You, Help Me to Help You

Let me charm you with humour, let you think I don't know what your talking about. Let me be your dancing monkey and friend, let you smile at me the way a parent or monkey owner might. Let me embrace you and congratulate you on your intelligence, let you pretend you think intelligence is multifaceted and nothing to do with the height of your IQ. Let me be your bard and double up as your court jester, let you parade around the court sharing your ideas about string theory and quantum mechanics, existentialism and evolutionary theory. Let me pretend that my synapses aren't whispering the mysteries of the universe to each other and my cerebral cortex retains nothing academic, muses not over the thought of eschatological verification, does not debate Shakespeare or Sartre, let you assert yourself, explaining everything you believe you know but I do not. Let me be the hunched and hollow shell, let you be full of the praises you are given on a daily basis.

Sunday, July 19th 2009

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